Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Posted 7/24/13 on the MAPP Family Facebook Group

Last night marked the return of the show “Who Do You Think You Are” on the TLC cable channel.  The person featured was Kelly Clarkson and through her research she found that her great (3X) grandfather was a Union Soldier in the Civil War. 

Well, we too have our very own Civil War hero by the name of Appy MAPP.  Like Kelly Clarkson’s ancestor, Appy MAPP was wounded in battle.  Here is a little information concerning his service and the USCT Regiment he served.  Pass this along to your children so they can proudly participate in their history class when the Civil War discussion is presented.

Appins Mapp is listed in our Civil War Soldiers & Sailors book: Mapp, Appins (Appinus) alias Napp, Happy. Black. Union. Enlisted 1863 in 2nd US Colored Cavalry Co. I. Wounded in foot. Discharged 1865. In Grangeville in 1890 Union Veterans Census. Service Record not found.

2nd Regiment Cavalry

Organized at Fort Monroe, Va., December 22, 1863. Attached to Fort Monroe, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. Unattached Williamsburg, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to August, 1864. Unattached 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. Unattached 25th Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to May, 1865. Cavalry Brigade, 25th Corps, Dept. of Virginia and Dept. of Texas, to February, 1866.

SERVICE.--Duty at Fort Monroe, Portsmouth and Williamsburg, Va., until May, 1864. Demonstration on Portsmouth March 4-5. Action near Suffolk March 10. Reconnaissance from Portsmouth to the Blackwater April 13-15. Butler's operations on the south side of James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-28. Capture of Bermuda Hundred and City Point May 5. Swift Creek May 8-10. Operations against Fort Darling May 10-16. Actions at Drury's Bluff May 10-13-14-15 and 16. Near Drury's Bluff May 20. Duty in trenches at Bermuda Hundred until June 13. Point of Rocks June 10. Richmond Campaign June 13-July 31. Baylor's Farm June 15. Assaults on Petersburg June 16-19. Siege of Petersburg and Richmond June 16, 1864, to February 18, 1865. Duty before Petersburg until July, 1864. Moved to Deep Bottom July 25. Action at Deep Bottom July 27-28. Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, August 14-18. Actions at Deep Bottom September 2 and 6. Chaffin's Farm September 29-30. Darbytown Road October 7. Battle of Fair Oaks, Darbytown Road October 27-28. Near Richmond October 28-29. Duty in trenches north of James River until February, 1865. Ordered to Norfolk February 18. Duty in District of Eastern Virginia at Norfolk, Suffolk, etc., until May. Ordered to City Point, Va.; thence sailed for Texas June 10. Duty on the Rio Grande and at various points in Texas until February, 1866. Mustered out February 12, 1866.