Saturday, September 6, 2014

Back to School

School is back in session and most likely someone is about to study American History.  During my school days, I struggled with most history classes.  To me, it was boring.  I didn't see a need for it in my future or the purpose of learning about the past.  

It wasn't until I started my family tree did I find American History interesting.  As I dove deeper into genealogy, I could not help but to see a relationship between history and my ancestors.  I found several relative that served in the Revolutionary War.  Men of African ancestry serving in Revolutionary War?  I had to know more.  I had a relative who was a Tuskegee Airman and one who was the son-in-law of the founder of Tuskegee University.  I needed to know more.  I wondered why some relatives were named after a certain President so I had to know more about that President and why he was revered by my ancestor.  I could go on and on, but I just want to share this thought.  

If you and/or your child is finding it hard to relate to history, try matching it up with genealogy. Make it personal.