This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend my first
National Genealogy Conference hosted by the Afro-American Historical and
Genealogical Society, Inc. ( It was a great conference filled with people
from across the country. There was great
knowledge shared by experts who have been working in this field for many
years. There were keynote speakers such
as former Governor L. Douglas Wilder, PBS’s “Genealogy Roadshow” host Kenyatta
Berry and many others. I only attend on
day, but it was packed with information.
I attended the following workshops and will be sharing more at
later time.
United States Color Troops (USCT) Widows Pension
Applications by Bernice Bennett ( Turns out Bernice, through DNA testing, is a
relative to my wife. We got to know her
better between sessions.
DNA – by Shannon Christmas ( Shannon also presented Governor Wilder’s DNA
results before his keynote address.
Finding White Fathers of Enslaved Children by Kenyatta Berry
My investment in this conference has already paid off. I now have a better understanding of how to
use DNA along with paper trails to build a better story about my
ancestors. Next year the conference is
in Atlanta and I hope to attend. More to